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Picky Eating

Yorkshire Terrier Picky Eating


If a Yorkshire Terrier starts being finicky about food, it can be concerning for a pet parent. Due to this breed’s small size and limited fat reserves, Yorkies are particularly susceptible to issues arising from selective eating habits. And no doubt, if your Yorkie has you always looking for something to please their discriminating tastes, but nothing seems to help, this can be stressful.

This behavior toward food is not uncommon for this breed, but thankfully there are some methods you can implement to address this and get things back on track. So, let’s see what you can do to get your finicky Yorkie eating regularly and enjoying their meals.

Yorkshire Terrier Picky Eater, Not Wanting to Eat Dog Food
Yorkshire Terrier Picky Eater, Not Wanting to Eat Dog Food

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Signs of Picky Eating with Yorkshire Terriers

Fussy eating with Yorkshire Terriers can manifest in various ways. Here are some main signs that your Yorkshire Terrier may be a finicky eater to the point that this behavior should be addressed.

  • Lack of Interest in Meals: Your Yorkie might approach their food bowl but then walk away without eating much, if anything at all.
  • Selective Eating: They may only eat certain types of food or treats and refuse others, especially when given a variety of choices.
  • Holding Out for Something Better: If your dog waits around during meal times, ignoring their food in anticipation of human food or treats, this indicates pickiness.
  • Inconsistent Eating Habits: Your Yorkshire Terrier may eat well one day and then show little to no interest in food the next day without any apparent reason.
  • Eating Only When Hand-Fed: A Yorkie that consistently eats only when fed by hand or from someone's plate rather than their own food bowl exhibits picky eating behavior.
  • Increased Interest in Human Food: A clear preference for table scraps or food from your plate over their dog food can be a sign of picky eating.
  • Eating Treats But Not Their Meal: If your Yorkie eagerly eats treats but not their regular meals, this is a classic sign of picky eating.
  • Leaving Food in the Bowl: Regularly leaving food untouched for hours or only eating a small portion of their meal indicates pickiness.
  • Change in Eating Pace: A sudden slowdown in how quickly they eat their food, taking much longer to finish meals than usual, can also signal finicky behavior.

Health Consequences of Finicky Eating

Worrying about a Yorkie not being happy with any food they are given or just picking at food instead of eating full meals, is a valid concern. Some health issues that can arise due to fussy eating include:

  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Without a balanced diet, Yorkies can suffer from deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals, eventually leading to a range of health problems such as poor coat quality, dental issues, and weakened immune systems.
  • Hypoglycemia: Due to their small size, this toy breed is prone to low blood sugar levels, especially if meals are skipped or are insufficient. Hypoglycemia can result in weakness, lethargy, seizures, and in severe cases, can be life-threatening.
  • Weight Loss: Given their minimal fat reserves, Yorkies can quickly become underweight or experience weight loss due to selective eating habits, which can weaken their overall health and diminishes disease resistance.
  • Gastrointestinal Issues: Inconsistent eating patterns can disrupt a Yorkie’s digestive system, leading to problems like gastritis, constipation, or diarrhea.
  • Dental Health Problems: If a Yorkie's selective eating leads them to prefer only soft foods, they might miss out on the dental health benefits of crunchier kibbles that help reduce plaque and tartar buildup.

How Prevalent Picky Eating is: Insights from Our Survey

We carried out an online survey focusing on the behavior, health, and personality traits of Yorkshire Terriers, utilizing the YorkieInfoCenter's community. Participants were presented with a series of multiple-choice questions. After a 7-day period, we compiled the results from 2,146 respondents, with the majority, 72%, hailing from the US, followed by 8% from the UK, another 8% from Canada, and the rest scattered across various countries.

The survey revealed a gender distribution of 56% male Yorkies to 44% female Yorkies. In terms of age, the breakdown was as follows: 3% were young puppies (under 6 months old), 10% were puppies (6 to 12 months old), 51% were young adults (1 to 3 years old), 26% were adults (4 to 8 years old), and 10% were seniors (9 years and older).

When participants were asked to identify the biggest challenge(s) they've encountered with their Yorkie, 7% pointed to 'eating issues', which encompasses problems related to fussy eating.

Top Reasons Yorkshire Terriers Exhibit Finicky Eating Habits

Yorkshire Terriers may display this behavior due to several factors. Among the most common are:

  • Underlying Health Issues: Dental problems (like gum disease or tooth decay that makes chewing painful), gastrointestinal issues (which can be due to low quality food or intolerance of certain ingredients), or other health conditions can affect a Yorkie’s appetite.
  • Dietary Boredom: Eating the same food daily can lead to a lack of interest in meals.
  • Irregular Feeding Schedules: Inconsistent meal times can disrupt a Yorkie’s hunger cues.
  • Too Many Treats: Frequent treats can reduce interest in regular meals.
  • Sensitivity to Food Texture or Temperature: Some dogs may prefer wet food over dry, or vice versa, and may be particular about the temperature of their food.
  • Preference for Human Food: Regularly feeding table scraps can lead rejection of dog food.
  • Psychological Factors: Anxiety, stress, or changes in the household environment can impact eating habits.
  • Eating Environment: A noisy or crowded feeding area can make a Yorkie feel anxious or distracted during meal times.
  • Aging: Older dogs may have changing dietary needs or decreased appetite.
  • Learned Behavior: Some dogs learn that being finicky may lead to being offered more palatable options and/or extra attention.

Next, we will dive into how to take some easy steps to address these causes.

How to Address Finicky Eating with Yorkshire Terriers

While there are numerous possible reasons for picky eating in Yorkshire Terriers, addressing this issue can be straightforward in many cases. Some of these solutions can tackle multiple causes simultaneously, and in other cases, more than one remedy will need to be applied to find success.

Let's explore effective strategies to help your little guy or gal’s meal times be more enjoyable eating experiences.

#1 Have Health Issues Ruled Out

Before tackling your Yorkshire Terrier's picky eating with dietary adjustments or behavioral strategies, starting with a veterinarian checkup is wise. Underlying health issues such as dental pain, gastrointestinal problems, or metabolic conditions can disrupt a dog's appetite and eating habits. A thorough examination from your vet, encompassing a physical check-up, dental evaluation, and potentially diagnostic testing, can uncover any concealed health issues.

Additionally, this visit allows for monitoring your Yorkie's weight and, for senior dogs, discussing how aging might affect their dietary needs, especially if a decrease in mobility has led to a reduced calorie requirement.

#2 Review Your Yorkie's Meal Portions

Since this tiny toy breed eats a very small amount of food compared to larger dogs (and certainly to us humans), what may seem like hardly eating any food at all, may be enough for a little Yorkshire Terrier. Yorkie puppies typically require only about 2/3 cups of food daily, split across three meals, equating to less than 1/4 cup per meal, alongside small snacks. Adult Yorkies need between 1/2 to 2/3 cups of kibble daily, plus snacks. Larger Yorkies, up to 10 lbs., may only need about 1 cup of kibble daily, in addition to snacks. This amount is sufficient for their size and energy needs.

To ensure proper feeding:

  1. Determine Your Yorkie’s Exact Weight: Use kitchen scales for puppies and a two-step weighing method for adults (you alone and then with your dog) to find their weight, or visit your vet for an accurate weight check.
  2. Follow Kibble Guidelines: Adhere to the feeding instructions on your dog's food packaging for accurate portion sizes.
  3. Measure Food Accurately: Use a dry measuring cup and level off the top for precise measurements.

#3 Choose a Top-quality Food

Subpar dog food with artificial additives such as food colorings, flavor enhancers and/or chemical preservatives can significantly impact the digestive well-being of Yorkshire Terriers, potentially leading to picky eating behaviors. These ingredients can irritate the delicate digestive system of this toy breed, causing symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach and more. When these negative reactions become associated with mealtime, Yorkshire Terriers, who are known for their discerning nature, may start to exhibit finicky eating habits to avoid discomfort.

Moreover, the consistent consumption of these artificial components can disrupt the natural gut flora, leading to chronic digestive issues that further exacerbate a Yorkie’s reluctance to eat. This can create a cycle of nutritional deficiencies, as a picky eater may miss out on essential nutrients needed for their overall health and energy levels.

For this reason, be sure you are offering your Yorkie a top-quality, 100% all-natural kibble without unnecessary additives. One that we recommend is Wellness Complete Health Small Breed Formula, which is a great combination of turkey, chicken and salmon in a 100% all-natural recipe. It has excellent levels of omega-3 and antioxidants and is designed specifically for small dogs, where every calorie matters.

#4 Schedule Your Yorkie’s Meals and Snacks

For Yorkshire Terriers, being small with fast metabolisms, a feeding routine that balances three meals a day with occasional snacks is recommended for several reasons.

This strategy plays a role in preventing hypoglycemia, an issue common in smaller breeds, by keeping blood sugar levels stable and ensuring a continuous flow of energy throughout their day. It also helps align a Yorkie's internal clock, enhancing their recognition of hunger cues. Additionally, sticking to regular eating times boosts digestive health by syncing with the body’s natural enzyme release schedule, ensuring food is broken down more effectively. This, in turn, helps prevent gastrointestinal problems that can interfer with a dog's appetite.

#5 Make the Chosen Food More Appealing 

There are a few easy things you can do to make the kibble you’ve chosen for your Yorkie more appealing to a picky eater. One method is to add warm low-sodium chicken or beef broth; this can be particularly helpful for Yorkies that have dental issues and/or missing teeth.

A dash of fish oil, like Zesty Paws Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil, can also be helpful; it not only adds a tempting flavor and scent, but brings the added benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for maintaining a healthy coat and skin. And adding safe fruits like blueberries and/or raspberries can introduce a natural sweetness and provide antioxidants, crucial for fighting off free radicals and promoting cellular health. For any of these remedies, be sure to mix everything well, so that your Yorkie does not pick out just the flavor-enhanced pieces. 

Another technique to try in conjunction with one of the above additions is to warm the food, which some Yorkies find more palatable.

#6 Offer a Stress-free Eating Environment

Ensuring your Yorkshire Terrier has a quiet eating environment can make a difference in addressing picky eating habits. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, a peaceful space for meals helps a Yorkie focus on eating without distractions or stress, which can be especially beneficial in households with more than one pet. Giving each pet their own designated dining area allows them to eat at their own pace, free from competition or interruption.

It's also important to resist the urge to hover anxiously as your Yorkie eats. While it comes from a place of concern, standing over them can inadvertently reward picky behavior with extra attention. Instead, provide a calm presence that encourages them to eat without feeling pressured. Additionally, placing your Yorkie's food bowl away from high foot traffic areas can prevent them from feeling on edge during meals. A quiet corner, away from the main flow of household movement, ensures they can eat undisturbed.

#7 Address any Other Possible Stress

When addressing picky eating in Yorkshire Terriers, it's important to consider the impact of stress, which can affect a dog’s appetite. Changes in a Yorkie’s environment, such as moving to a new home, being home alone when they are not used to it, or the arrival of a new family member (human or pet), can lead to temporarily feeling unsettled.

This usually resolves in time, but you can help by creating a consistent and calm routine for your Yorkie. Maintain their regular feeding, grooming, exercise and playtime schedule as much as possible, even amidst changes, to provide a sense of stability. Additionally, if things are more eventful than usual, ensure your little guy or gal has a quiet, safe space where they can retreat and feel secure if they are feeling overwhelmed.

#8 Stand Firm

At times, dogs may test their humans to see if persistence leads to the offering of human food or special treatment for their selective tastes. This can inadvertently establish a picky eating routine: A Yorkie hesitates at their food, prompting their human to offer encouragement, leading to a small bite, and resulting in praise from their owner. Such routines reinforce the behavior, making it challenging for a Yorkshire Terrier to adapt to a straightforward routine where they eat independently without constant human intervention.

With health concerns addressed, a clear understanding of your Yorkie's daily nutritional needs, high-quality kibble selected and made appealing, and a calm, supportive dining area established, the next step is to maintain a firm stance on your Yorkie's eating habits. It's essential at this stage to resist the urge to cater to fluctuating taste preferences.

Implementing these strategies and choosing not to indulge every picky eating quirk will teach your Yorkie to accept their meals as presented. This approach not only encourages healthier eating habits but also fosters a sense of routine and independence, contributing to their overall well-being and satisfaction with meal times.

#9 Consider a Digestive Enzyme Supplement

While a digestive enzyme supplement will not directly make a Yorkie like their food more, it can help in indirect ways that can contribute to a healthier and potentially less picky eater. First and foremost, this sort of supplement can enhance digestive health by breaking down food into absorbable nutrients more efficiently, which can lead to better nutrient absorption. This can be helpful for finicky Yorkies, as it maximizes the nutritional value of what they do eat. Also, this improvement in digestion can reduce discomfort that might make a dog avoid eating.

An enzyme supplement with additional with probiotics and prebiotics can be even more beneficial. Probiotics contribute to a balanced gut microbiome, leading to improved gut health and potentially reducing gastrointestinal issues that can cause pickiness. Prebiotics, on the other hand, feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut, promoting a healthy digestive system. One option worth exploring is NaturVet Digestive Enzymes Plus Probiotics and Prebiotics, which can be found in either a powder (to mix into a meal) or a soft chew. 

A Final Note

Addressing a Yorkie's picky eating habits requires a multifaceted approach and certainly does require patience as you work out what works best for your little guy or gal. It's important to keep a steady course, avoiding the urge to change their food too often just because they seem to want something different. Your understanding and steady approach pave the way for overcoming this challenge, ensuring your Yorkie's health and happiness.

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